Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homework 13rd February

Hey guys,

some of you have asked me to send a scripting exercise for you to try before our next tutorial (which we could organise on coming Friday or Monday), so here it is. It will refer to a few of the things that we've spoken about recently - looping, copying, simple vectors, etc.


1. Draw rectangle in script with dimensions which are set by the user.
2. Fill the rectangle with a set number of ellipses (for example 10 rows of ellipses in 10 columns) as shown in image attached. The ellipses must fit exactly!

So basically, the size of our ellipses (height and width) is adjusted to fit the box, whatever its size.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Basic info

Hi guys, we will publish the tutorial we showed in class, homework and you are more than welcome to publish your own code and ask for clarifications and feedbacks.
I think you should paste your code with a smaller digit after the header of your messages, or otherwise find a way to link them (you can use google update for instance).
Have also a look to the link on the right, we will update them as well
Hope this will be useful